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Politics1 is Fantastic!!

USA TODAY Hot Site Award

HOW TO TRACK POLITICS ON THE INTERNET by BRUCE MAXWELL (a Congressional Quarterly book, 2000): "Politics1 offers more than 1,000 links to political sites, all neatly arranged and annotated. The obvious care taken in building this site and its thoroughness have quickly made Politics1 one of the premier political sites on the Internet. ... If you're looking for Web sites of presidential candidates in 2000, this page is a great place to start. This page is particularly fun to peruse because it provides profiles of every candidate -- even obscure independents who can most charitably be described as inhabiting the outer fringes of American politics. ... The richly detailed descriptions of each party -- major and obscure alike -- make Politics1 the best directory of American political party Web sites on the Internet ... Finally, Politics1 publishes an extremely useful e-mail newsletter called The Politics1 Report."

Today, BBC Radio Four (October 31, 2008): "Ron Gunzburger is publisher of Politics1.com and one of america's most dedicated students of elections."

RealClearPolitics.com - RCP (October 19, 2007): "The trick is how to collect this data [on who is running for Congress]. This would be incredibly labor intensive -- but not for us, thanks to Ron Gunzburger and the indispensible Politics1.com. I absolutely love this site. If I could only visit three websites every day, it would probably be Politics1.com, TheGreenPapers.com, and (of course!) RealClearPolitics.com. Just why is Politics1 so great? There are many reasons -- but today's reason is that Mr. Gunzburger is actually keeping track of who is thinking about running and what those potential candidates did for a living before they decided they might want to be called 'The Honorable.' I don't know how he gets that data together. Quite frankly, I don't want to know. But Gunzburger has an impressive dataset that covers all 435 House contests, so we can indeed get a sense of how many qualified candidates are either running or thinking about running for Congress."

The PBS Democracy Project - Point of Excellence AwardPBS Online (1998): "Congratulations! Politics1 has been awarded the Point of Excellence Award from The PBS Democracy Project. The Point of Excellence is awarded to sites that meet the ideals of the PBS Democracy Project by providing a citizen-oriented approach, content with depth, deliberation and duration, interactivity, and information that empowers or educates the public. Again, congratulations for providing this service to the public." Politics1 was one of only eight sites in the nation to win PBS's prestigious award in 1998.

JOE TRIPPI (Democratic Campaign Consultant): "Ron, thanks for making the Blogosphere a place where dynamic debate blooms and thanks for plowing the ground that makes the revolution of bottom-up ideas possible."

JOHN ANZALONE (Pollster, Biden for President 2020 Campaign, 2021): "I still love the Politics1.com website.  I have it in my bookmarks."

US SENATOR MARCO RUBIO (R-Florida, 2008): "Although we share different political views on some things, think we share a common appreciation for the importance of a vigorous debate in American politics. I think politics is and should be about giving people choices. I enjoy your work on Politics1."

CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS MAGAZINE (February 2003): "Politics1 is a great site for finding useful information. Though he has a full-time job as a lawyer in South Florida, Politics1 Editor Ron Gunzburger devotes up to 40 hours per week to find the latest candidate info. The web site has attracted the notice of politicians, many of whom float their names on the web site as trial balloons, to test the viability of their potential candidacies. The web site includes lengthy write-ups of 2004 Democratic presidential candidates, from the certain -- Sen. John Kerry (MA) and former Gov. Howard Dean (VT) -- to the improbable -- U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH). Politics 1 also includes extensive listings about third-party candidates. 'It adds philosophical differences to the political debate,' said Gunzburger, a longtime political junkie who in 2002 unsuccessfully challenged an incumbent Circuit Judge in Broward County."

BBC NewsBBC News (January 19, 2004): BBC News named Politics1 to its list of "Best USA 2004 Election Websites."

JOHN GIZZI (White House Correspondent, Newsmax, 2022): "I'm your most devoted reader, and one who shares your sense of history."

JERRY MAYNARD (Deputy Chair, Tennessee Democratic Party, 2005): "Keep up the great work. I check out Politics1 every morning."

PC MagazinePC Magazine (September 19, 2000): "By the time election day rolls around, roughly 70 percent of voting-age Americans will have Internet access at home, work, or school, according to a Dataquest study. With such a broad audience just a click away, the Internet has the potential to revolutionize the way politics play out in the United States. Not only does the Internet put a huge amount of information at our fingertips, it also makes active participation easy ... Here are our favorite sites that will help you get ready for Election Day ... Politics1 is one of the best political Web-site directories. Its nicely organized collection covers presidential and state candidates, elected officials, political parties, advocacy groups, political news sources, and more."

Wall Street JournalWALL STREET JOURNAL / WSJ.com (December 12, 2003): Wall Street Journal's Opinion Journal (WSJ.com) named Politics1's Storming La Fiesta report -- a humorous journal of the Florida Democratic Convention -- to its "Best of the Web Today" list.

BRIAN ANDERSON (Campaign Manager, State Treasurer Mike Coffman Re-Election Campaign, R-Colorado, 2002): "Great site! Politics1 is an invaluable resource for ANY campaign professional!"

MICHAEL FEIN (2006, Field Organizer, MoveOn.org Political Action): "I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. I've been reading your website just about every day for the past 3 or 4 years. Its my moment of zen. I've never posted a on a blog, but I've told my friends that Politics1 is my favorite website and I figure I ought to say thanks."

NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER (July 10, 2007): "We do have pro-life candidates out there in the field. To help people to know who these people are, two websites that I use are RealClearPolitics.com and Politics1.com. These are places that people can go to get the lay of the land when it comes to the candidates."

PROF. NATHAN SHRADER (Co-Chair, Political Science Dept., Millsaps College, 2018): "Thanks for the outstanding work you do keeping up with all of the candidates!"

PAT LaMARCHE (2004 Green Party nominee for Vice President): "I want to commend you on Politics1. It is heartwarming to see the work you have clearly put into getting the candidates of every ilk listed."

SEATTLE TIMES (newspaper, Washington - October 18, 1998): Politics1 is one "of the premiere nonpartisan political web sites out there. Besides offering comprehensive coverage of state and federal elections, this site is a kick in the pants. ... State-by-state rundowns of congressional candidates and statewide elective offices are prefaced with brief and occasionally lively summations of significant moments in political history. ... Images of those cool buttons from Gunzburger's collection serve as visually relevant text breaks that also test he memory of the politically impaired. ... Visitors can access state candidate information by clicking on a map of the U.S. or a hot-linked list of states. Also handy is a list of current elected state officials, indicating when incumbent terms expire. The site provides thumbnail references for challengers. The site also links to all candidates' home pages, making it easy to access campaign propaganda. ... The site also invites visitors to join Politics1's mailing list to receive the latest political news from across the country." October 1, 2000: Politics1 is "mulitipartisan and comprehensive ... a good place to go if you want complete and balanced information on the coming election and other political news."

CHICAGO TRIBUNE (newspaper, Illinois - November 5, 2002): "Thorough and smoothly laid out, the state-by-state voters' guide from Politics1.com is one of the best resources for election links. Each state page lists candidates for U.S. Congress and state offices (even comptroller and treasurer), with links to their Web sites (including both official and campaign sites for current officeholders). The page also links to state parties and lists all statewide print and broadcast media outlets. Interspersed throughout the page are historical campaign buttons from Politics1.com's collection. Poll reports on races of national interest are posted each day on the home page.

BRILL'S CONTENT (Magazine, September 1999): "With campaign season in full swing, Politics1 is an important stop for political junkies, journalists, and anyone who wants to get informed before election day. Run almost single-handedly by Florida trial lawyer and citizen journalist Ron Gunzburger, Politics1 provides a dizzying array of news, candidate biographies, and web links related to the nation's hot issues and political contests. The site covers the 2000 presidential campaign, as well as House and Senate races in every state. Also, unlike many political reporters, Gunzburger does not ignore third-party candidates. One bonus is Gunzburger's free newsletter, which mixes his own reporting with news summaries from sources across the country. It's nonpartisan and often funny. He's even notched a few big scoops."

HON. BOB McEWEN (Former US Congressman, R-Ohio, 2005): "My goodness, you are perceptive. Ron, you have a very special gift for what you do. By comparison, thousands of very talented political junkies are mere acolytes ... Always great to read Politics1 ... you're the best."

HON. JONATHAN BING (State Assemblyman, D-New York, 2006): "Thanks for all the great work you do keeping people informed about politics."

HON. JOHN Y. BROWN III (Secretary of State, D-Kentucky): "Your handicapping of likely candidates is remarkably accurate. In fact, if I want to verify a rumor, I often check Politics1 first. Maintaining the inside scoop for all 50 states is quite a feat ... Other Secretaries of State and state election directors have expressed similar sentiments."USA TODAY Hot Site Award

USA TODAY: Politics1 won USA Today's prestigious "Hot Site Award" on October 23, 1998.

WABC TV-7 (2002): Politics1 "calls itself the 'the most comprehensive online guide to American politics' and pretty much lives up to its name."

KIDS VOTING USA: Politics1 is "an informative, easy to use site with information that is nonpartisan but straight shooting, with excellent resources that include extensive coverage of federal and state politics, a guide to political parties, and a great collection of campaign buttons." Listed as a recommended Teacher's Research Site.

JIM SULLIVAN (Former State Chair, Libertarian Party of Massachusetts, 2002): "I just wanted to give you a great big 'THANKS!' I stumbled onto your Politics1 site while doing some research and it is an excellent resource. I'd almost be willing to say it should be mandatory for everyone to visit your site before they be allowed to vote ... I am a Past Chair of the Libertarian Party of Massachusetts, and I don't believe I have ever seen a site that treats all political parties and politicians as even-handedly as yours does. Truly outstanding!"

NEW TIMES (newspaper, Florida - February 17, 2000): "Politics1 is crystal meth for political junkies."

RYAN LIZZA (Columnist, The New Republic, 2004): "I'm a big fan of your Politics1 blog."

JOSH ISRAEL (Senior Investigative Reporter, ThinkProgress.org, 2018): "Thanks for a site that I have used regularly for about 20 years!"

MIKE OGULNICK (Host/Anchor, ESPN-100 Sports Radio, 2004): "I'm a political junkie and I can't tell you how much I enjoy your site. It is always one of the first three sites I visit in the morning ... Please keep up the good work. I'll certainly continue to visit and recommend your site."

TROY KING (Attorney General of Alabama - 2002): "Politics1 has been a great portal site for us. Last month, more of the traffic to our campaign site came from Politics1 than from any other site ... Thank you for your work to give Alabamians (and Americans) easier access to the information on candidates that they need to cast informed votes."

DENVER POST (newspaper, Colorado - June 25, 2000): "If you want brush up on your election year politics in preparation for backyard barbecue debates, stop by Politics1. In addition to a large number of links covering the two main parties, Politics1 also includes a long list of also-rans seeking governmental seats ... For those who like their politics neat, stick to the televised debates. For anyone sure that elections in this country could one day turn unusual, Politics1 points the way."

MATT GARTH (Regional Field Coordinator, Republican National Committee, 1998): "I wanted to thank you for the best political site on the Internet. I am a regional field coordinator at the Republican National Committee and find your site invaluable. Keep up the great work!"

CAMPAIGNS & ELECTIONS MAGAZINE (May 1999): Politics1 was named as one of the two best political directories on the net and described as an "excellent unofficial directory of campaign web sites."

THAD NATION (Press Secretary to Governor Frank O'Bannon, D-Indiana, 1998): "I have to tell you how much I like Politics1. I stumbled upon it the other day while looking for campaign button graphics. Yours is by far the most complete listing I have seen. I work in politics everyday in Indiana and had not seen some of the sites you had listed for my state."

RICK VAN WIE (Denver Co-Chair, Green Party, 2005): "Thanks for your great website. I check it often for political news, and enjoy reading the comments you post on the blog."

JERRY FULTON (Editor, Baptist Progress magazine, Baptist Missionary Association of Texas, 2005): "This ultra-conservative Republican reads your web site daily. Keep up the good work. You are very balanced in your reporting and it is appreciated."

ATLANTA JOURNAL AND CONSTITUTION (newspaper, Georgia - May 23, 1999): "An Independent View: Politics1 offers a strong web starting point to examine the would-be Presidential players."

TOM JOHNSON (National Spokesperson, Reform Party USA, 1998): "Politics1 has the best overall coverage of the candidates and the elections, without exception. It is the ONLY political website that I check out on a regular basis. Keep up your excellent work."

NEWSWEEK.com (October 29, 1998):"An election resource site worth bookmarking: http://www.politics1.com, an excellent state-by-state web link library."

ENCYCLOPĘDIA BRITANNICA INTERNET GUIDE: Politics1 won Encyclopędia Britannica Internet Guide's Site of the Day Award on November 3, 1998 for being "unusually informative, Encyclopędia Britannica Internet Guide Awardimpeccably designed and truly a credit to the medium. ... Politics1 is an excellent, easy-to-use, quick way to keep abreast of the issues and the campaign activities of all candidates who had the sense to create a campaign Web page. The site offers the most complete online directory of candidates for governor, U.S. senator and representative, and local offices. News about state and local political parties, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Reformists, and other Third Party candidates and Independents from all 50 states is continuously updated. Politics1 is even geared up for Presidency 2000, posting briefs on potential candidates. So before you punch the ballot, visit Politics1 early and often."

BRIAN HARTMAN (National Producer, ABC News): "Politics1 is an amazing directory of links."

WEB WHITE & BLUE 2000 / MARKLE FOUNDATION (July 21, 2000): "Best of the Web: Politics1. One of the Web's most acclaimed political sites, Politics1 features definitive lists of candidates of all parties for federal and state office."

INDIANAPOLIS STAR-NEWS (newspaper, Indiana - 9/8/98): "If you turn to the Internet, you discover too many sites on the World Wide Web and too few ways to find what you need. If you're looking for the Senate candidates in Montana, how will you find them unless youalready know their names? Actually there is a way. Ron Gunzburger, a lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who sells old political buttons and other campaign memorabilia, has assembled Politics1, an online directory of candidates for governor, U.S. Senate and Congress. Pop in to the site at www.politics1.com and pick 'State and Congressional Candidates.' While you are at it, just bookmark the site. Sooner or later, you will be back for the links to Political Parties and Presidency 2000 (I warned you it was coming up). ... Bottom line: For a quick hit, start with Politics1 -- the best links to candidate sites in 1998."

DON IMUS (MSNBC): Politics1 is a featured site on "The Imus Political Links Page. Keep an eye on the Government with the click of your mouse"

QUINN McCORD (Managing Editor, National Journal's Hotline, 2018): "For a one-man operation, you do a great job keeping track of hundreds of races across the country!"

JOSHUA DERMER (National Chair, Young Constitutionalists - Constitution Party, 2004): "Although you and I probably disagree on a lot of points politically, I've always found your coverage and analysis to be fair. Whenever I'm talking to politically-minded students on campus, I always let them know about Politics1. You're alright in my book -- keep up the good work!"

MATT WHITAKER (2002 GOP Nominee for State Treasurer, Iowa): "Thanks for the great public service you provide!"

RightWingNews.com: Politics1 named "Site of the Day" for September 12, 2005.

ALABAMA LIVE (Joint online news site by the Birmingham News, Huntsville Times & Mobile Register newspapers - 11/9/98): Politics1 was Alabama Live's featured "Website of the Week." "Depending on traditional media for your electoral information is like depending on the village idiot to split the atom. That's why you should start online at Politics1. This site offers state-by-state coverage of statewide elections as well as their congressional races. ... There's also a scan of the likely candidates for the 2000 election, a survey of all the political parties -- and not just the usual Pepsi/Coke combo of Democrats/Republicans either, but also the Grassroots Party, the U.S. Pacifist Party, the Prohibition Party and a rogues gallery of several others."

ACCESS INTERNET MAGAZINE - 1999 Web Guide: Politics1 earned Access' top rating: 4 Stars. "Politics1 is a must-stop that is informative, easy to use and even easier to digest. The information is nonpartisan but straight shooting, with phenomenal resources that include extensive coverage of federal and state politics, a guide to political parties and a great collection of campaign buttons. The best feature: the Presidency 2000 page, with capsule profiles of more than 100 potential candidates."

JULIAN MULVEY (Producer, C-SPAN): "The Politics1 Report newsletter is great!"

ZOGBY INTERNATIONAL (Public Opinion Research Firm): "One of the most complete resources available on the web, Politics1.com provides information on state and national elections, issues and debates, parties and even a historical perspective. The state-by-state sections direct the reader to numerous relevant links, state histories and candidate profiles. The presidential election page will give you a guide to all the candidates running and their sites if available. Unbiased and uncluttered, we highly recommend Politics1 as an excellent political resource."

HON. LEWIS MASSEY (Former Secretary of State, D-Georgia): "I really enjoy your Politics1 Report newsletter. I served as Secretary of State of Georgia from 1996-1999. ... I'm in the private sector now, but I enjoy staying in touch with state and federal politics. I will be doing guest commentary for WDUN radio in North Georgia on the Presidential campaigns for 2000. Your newsletter will be a great source of information for me! Thanks and keep up the good work."

MO ROCCA (Reporter, The Daily Show, Comedy Central): "Thanks for such an informative site! I've also been loving your Politics1 Report newsletter. It's a fantastic resource."

TOM FIEDLER (Executive Editor, Miami Herald newspaper, Florida): "I think you're doing an incredible job with the website."

PAT DiNIZIA (Lead Singer/Songwriter, The Smithereens & 2000 Reform Party US Senate Nominee): "I've been to your Politics1 website several times already. Keep up the good work!"

TOM SANDER (Senior Editorial Writer, South Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper, 2003): "I just got around to checking out Politics1. Wow! What an incredible resource. As an editorial writer, it will make my job so much easier. Thanks and congratulations for a marvelous, user-friendly place to go."

GRACE YORK (Documents Center Coordinator, University of Michigan Library): "Absolutely spectacular! Thank you so much for your wonderful web site. After watching the 1996 election web sites crash a year ago, I was anxiously awaiting another good site in time for the 1998 elections. Thanks again!"

PoliticsOnline.com: "Politics1 is one of the best of the Political Web. Politics1 is a valuable web tool for political professionals, researchers and junkies searching for candidate information and political news online. Using informative content, relevant links, and an impressive e-mail newsletter, the site's publisher, Ron Gunzburger, has created one of the premier political information sites on the web. The non-partisan website features a comprehensive directory of political candidates for statewide and national elections, as well as news and issue links. The site's web directory includes exhaustive lists of candidate and party websites for all 50 states and even a few U.S. territories. Along with the website, Ron Gunzburger regularly publishes the Politics1 Report -- a free e-mail newsletter that keeps readers up to date on the latest political news. The Report is one of the best free political newsletters on the web. Gunzburger has even managed to crack a few big political stories in the Report. Politics1 is a valuable web resource because of its wealth of relevant content and its newsletter, The Politics1 Report. The site is a user-friendly warehouse of candidate information and political links. Candidates and campaigns who follow the Politics1 example of a well-designed site, featuring well-written, in-depth material should expect a good response from their online constituencies. ... There are a number of sites on the Internet that provide candidate links, but we have found Politics1 to provide the most comprehensive information on all 50 states, political parties and the Presidential election." MARC WATHEN (Democrats Abroad - Hong Kong, 2003): "I really enjoy Politics1. It is the best political resource site around! You are to be commended for your efforts. We Americans overseas really appreciate a site like this. Keep up the good work!"

GEOFFREY YOSTE (Talk Show Host, WJNT Radio, Jackson, Mississippi & 2000 GOP Congressional Candidate): "I always find the Politics1 Report newsletter to be interesting and enjoyable. It's good stuff! Each week I forward your newsletter out to leading political operatives and campaigns in Mississippi and around the Great South."

MARTIN KUZ (Las Vegas Sun newspaper, Nevada): "Impressive. Seems like anything a political junkie or reporter would want to track down about a candidate or particular race could be found at Politics1."

PROF. REPPS HUDSON (Washington University, Missouri): "Your Politics1 daily newsletter is a real addition to my day. I was political editor of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for a couple of years and am always looking for good material on politics. Your info Political Site of the Day Awardis a boost to my efforts to keep my classes at Washington University here well informed. Keep up the good work."

AboutPolitics.com (Kessler Freedman Inc.): Politics1 won the coveted "Political Site of the Day Award" on June 1, 1998.

LAURIE GIRION (Producer, MTV News): "For MTV's True Life documentary series, I am conducting research for a show on Election Year 2000. Politics1 has been invaluable to me."

CHRIS PAULITZ (Communications Office, Republican National Committee): "I just want to tell you this Politics1 Report newsletter is a great service. It really wraps up the latest news nicely and gives you political action from around the country that would take hours to search for everyday. Thanks for the great product!"

DR. KRIS CRAWFORD (Director, AMPAC - the American Medical Association's PAC): "I find the Politics1 Report newsletter to be one of the best sources for clear, concise operative level information available to me. "

MARK SEAVEY (Director, National Legislative Commission, American Legion): "Politics1 has taken what was once a five-person operation and made it easy enough for me to do it alone. Your site is absolutely invaluable. I visit your site probably 50 times a day, and every time I find new candidates. Not sure how many thank you letters you get, but your site is the greatest ever!"

DENNY LANE (Grassroots Party Nominee for President, 2000): "Thanks for providing this excellent info source for voters ... I plan to pass news about Politics1's existence along to other candidates and parties."

BEN DUPUY (Federal Liaison, National Rifle Association): "I want to thank you for Politics1. I use it almost every day to keep track of races and to link to campaign websites. You run a helluva site, and I appreciate what you do."

DAVID AZBELL (Press Secretary, Bob Riley for Governor Campaign, R-Alabama, 2002): "Thanks for all you do with Politics1.com -- it is an invaluable resource, especially for us political junkies. You deserve every bit of praise you get for it! Keep up the good work."

UNIVERSITY OF IOWA (Department of Communications Studies - Website): "Politics1.com is massive. Visit it for descriptions of all the political candidates, national, state and local -- all the political issues and debates -- a directory of campaign consultants and much, much more. Politics1.com may be the most comprehensive US political site on the Web."

NED MONROE (National Political Director, Associated Builders and Contractors): "As a national political director of a construction trade association and as PAC Treasurer for one of the larger PAC's, thank you for your newsletter service. I am always looking for additional resources and insights and find your reports very helpful. I'm on about a half dozen e-mail lists and receive another half dozen print sources, and the Politics1 newsletter is one of the best!"

ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS (Colorado - 7/30/02): "Interested in gun issues? Campaign buttons? A list of political advisers? Check out Politics1.com, a comprehensive online guide to politics."

LookSmart.com: "Best of the Web: Politics1 - the top directory of sites on American politics, parties, elections, candidates, and news. Covers all 50 states and most major political events."

HON. CHUCK ECKER (County Executive of Howard County, Maryland & 1998 GOP Gubernatorial Candidate): "Politics1 is outstanding!"

MATT STODDER (Online Politics Editor, Los Angeles Times newspaper, California): "I just took a look at Politics1 and found it very impressive. Good job!"

FLORIDA TIMES-UNION (newspaper - May 31, 1998): "Florida voters looking for complete political coverage on the web should check out Politics1."

MART MARTIN (Author, Almanac of Women and Minorities in American Politics): "Politics1 is an excellent political site. I am deeply impressed. I have the feeling that I'll be visiting it often to verify my research."

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: Politics1 has been a featured link in over 25 separate news stories on the Christian Science Monitor's web site during 1998-2003.

PATRICK MURRAY (WSRN Radio, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania): "I'm absolutely loving Politics1! Your newsletter is informative and entertaining, and your website is a great resource."

IAN MAGNUM (PoliticsOnline.com): "Your site and your Politics1 Report e-journal are an excellent source of political news."

STEVE FOWLE (Editor, New Hampshire Gazette): "Congratulations on a fine website. Politics1 is the best, most comprehensive, most easily accessible source of information on who's running for President. We particularly like the even-handed, thorough approach, listing ALL the candidates."

CRAIG FIELDS (Communications Director, Gun Owners of America): "I actually spent far more time on your site than I usually do when considering links, because it just became more interesting everywhere I looked -- the obscure third-party info was a blast, and I simply had to see some of those sites. Thanks for a good site and another useful bookmark."

ZDNet News (Online News Service - October 28, 1998): "With the Nov. 3 Featured On Internet Tonight - November 23, 1998election just a few days away, the Web is brimming with informative sites for the discerning voter. ... Politics1 is a good place to start building your election dossier. This non-partisan site, produced by lawyer Ron Gunzburger, has just about everything -- a breakdown of all the Congressional and state candidates, news, thumbnails of issues and pressure groups, links galore, and a mailing list."

JEAN-PAUL VOILLEQUE (Editor, Looksmart.com): "I have to admit that a large part of LookSmart's Presidential 2000 directory came out of surfing Politics1. We used other resources of course, but your site was the most commonly cited as the best place to start."

MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES (March 2003): "Politics 1: One of the most complete resources available on the web, Politics1.com provides information on state and national elections, issues and debates, parties and even a historical perspective. The state-by-state sections direct the reader to numerous relevant links, state histories and candidate profiles. The presidential election page will give you a guide to all the candidates running and their sites if available. Unbiased and uncluttered, We highly recommend Politics1 as an excellent political resource."

ANDREW ZAK (Publisher of "Elections USA" site): "Politics 1 is a tremendous site. The depth of coverage is overwhelming. I can honestly say this is the best political database I've seen for a long time."

DAVIDA DOHERTY (Juneau Empire newspaper, Alaska): "Politics1 is wonderful! I was drawn into it when I checked it out."

CHRIS STRUBLE (Chair, Idaho Libertarian Party): "You have an excellent web site. One of the most complete political web sites I have ever seen in fact."

DAVID JOHNSON (Deputy Executive Director, Republican Party of Florida): "Just wanted to send my congratulations and appreciation for your site. It is terrific."

ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, III (Vice President, The Freedom Forum): "You have a most interesting site. We will demo it during our [C-SPAN] programs on online coverage of the 1998 election."

CONNECTICUT REFORM PARTY: "The central reference site for ALL parties!"

PROF. CHARLIE LEONARD (Lindenwood University, Missouri): "Just wanted to let you know that your Politics1 site played a very important part in my upper-level Campaigns & Elections seminar this semester. My students and I found a lot to like on the site. I assigned each student a 1998 statewide race somewhere in the country, and Politics1 gave them a great jumping-off point. I expect to use it again when I teach Campaigns & Elections again in the fall semester 2000. I like the e-newsletters quite a lot, too. Congratulations and keep up the good work!"

DAVID COHEN (Managing News Editor, Nando Times online newspaper): "I love your site. It's extremely helpful for research."

HON. CHARLES SANDERS (Mayor of Waynesville, Ohio & 1998 Democratic Congressional Nominee): "I can't tell you how happy I am with the volume and content of your political reports. As a former federal candidate, I found the information to be invaluable. Keep up the good work. I regard my Politics1 read as one-stop shopping to learn all the political angles and contentions."

HEATHER CRAIG (Internet Coordinator, Christian Coalition): "I checked out Politics1 and I think it's great."

CNN.comCNN.com/AllPolitics: Politics1 was featured on CNN Interactive's ALL POLITICS site on September 8, 1998. "Politics1 - An independent, nonpartisan site that allows browsers to search states for all candidates running for federal and statewide office. The site contains links to many candidates with Web sites, as well as almost every state political party."

AARON MYERS (Webmaster, New Democrat Network): "Congratulations! Politics1 has been selected as the New Democrat Network's current Featured Political Site. Your selection came after members of the NDN office staff (myself included) repeatedly noted the usefulness of the Politics1 web site."

BETH CHAPMAN (Ex-State Cabinet Member & 2002 State Auditor Candidate, R-Alabama): "Thanks for the invaluable service you offer!"

GILDA MORALES (Coordinator, Center for the American Woman & Politics at Rutgers University): "I've been wanting to let you know that I think your site is incredibly informative and I use it a lot. Because I deal with the press so much, I let them know of Politics1 and its one stop shopping for state politics and candidates ... This is the most useful and fabulous site on politics in cyberspace."

JEFF CUSTER (Assistant Political Director, Fox News): "I found Politics1 to be an invaluable tool leading up to the 1998 elections. I have to say that your Politics1 Report newsletter is easily one of the most even-handed and truly non-partisan publications of its kind I have ever seen. Keep up the good work!!"

DAVID McREYNOLDS (2000 Socialist Party Nominee for President): "I spent time enjoying Politics1 and your very comprehensive and, I thought, fair summary of the different minor parties."

DAVE BEATTIE (Partner, Hamilton Beattie & Staff): "Thank you for Politics1. As a political consultant, I find your page to be one of the best places to 'check-up' on a client or state. I have just begun receiving your e-mail Politics1 Report and find it informative. Again, thank you."

LAWYERS WEEKLY USA (newspaper - 9/7/98): "One of the country's hottest websites ... The website is packed with political information and has been winning praise from politicos and web critics alike."

RALPH FRATTURA (Sacramento Bee newspaper, California): "Politics1 is good-looking and full of detail."

PHIL BROOKS (Public Affairs Manager, Ashland Inc.): "I have enjoyed and used your website and report for quite some time. As I am a public affairs and PAC manager, they have been very helpful. Thanks for all you do."

HON. PIA JENSEN (City Commissioner, Cotati, California & 1998 Gubernatorial Candidate): "Cool site! You are doing a great service -- better than the traditional press!"

BETH BOYLAN (Political Coordinator, New York City Democracy Network): "Everyone here is very impressed with the organization and breadth of your site."

MICHAEL HAMILTON (Webmaster, Alabama Democratic Party): "Politics1 will be a valuble resource during the upcoming election cycle."

BERGEN RECORD (newspaper, New Jersey - 11/3/98): "Politics1 is a dream site for political junkies, with links to hundreds of web sites for state and congressional candidates, political news, issue discussions, political parties, and a look at the 2000 presidential race. The site also has a lot of history, with sections on scandals and an area devoted to campaign buttons and other collectibles."

PEARRE DEAN (Lobbyist, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO): "I enjoy the Politics1 Report very much. I currently send out 250 e-mails twice a week to union leaders and activists throughout Pennsylvania. I use articles from the Politics1 Report as added information on what is going on in politics. Keep up the good work!"

BILL WALLACE (Publisher of the Constitution Party's "On Eagles' Wings" site): "Simply put, Politics1 is a most impressive collection of political party facts and information -- beyond any other effort of which I am aware. As a 'Third Party' activist, please accept my appreciation for the acknowledgement of not just the USTP, but of the other lesser-known political movements in America today. You have done a great service to the American People by facilitating such a comprehensive clearinghouse of differing political philosophies which are all too often silenced by the traditional Two-Party System."

WFSA TV-12 (NBC - Montgomery, Alabama): Politics1 is one of WFSA's "Featured Online News Sources."

ALYSON McCOLL (Publications Director, League of Conservation Voters): "I just wanted to thank you for the Politics1 Report newsletter. It's great! Not only is it informative and timely, but it cracks me up -- I'm still trying to decide which was the funniest story from today's edition! I'm forwarding it on to my fellow political junkies and encouraging them to sign up as well. Thanks again, and keep up the great work!"

INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTION SYSTEMS: Politics1 has "extensive coverage of US elections, candidates, political parties, and issues."

TIM ERICH (1998 Reform Party Nominee for US Senator, California): "Your collection of political memorabilia is fascinating. I also believe your efforts of listing out all candidates serves a very necessary and positive function in this election year. Keep up the good work."

KATE AMARA (WMUR TV-9 - ABC - Manchester, New Hampshire): "I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your Politics1 Report newsletter. Keep up the good work!"

FREE-MARKET.NET (Henry Hazlitt Foundation): "Politics1 is a great site! ... A comprehensive resource page for political parties, organizations and candidates in all US states. Treats third parties as an equal alternative."

A. HARLAN BARNES (Roy Barnes for Governor Campaign, D-Georgia, 1998): "Politics1 is the most comprehensive site I've ever seen. It really is a work of art."

WMUR TV-9 (ABC - New Hampshire): "A good site to start with is Politics1. Although nationally based, Politics1 has a New Hampshire section loaded with the history and present shape of Granite State politics."

HON. MARK SHURTLEFF (Attorney General, R-Utah): "Politics1 is a fantastic web site! I added your site to my favorites and will monitor it regularly as the campaign progresses. Thanks again for providing this resource to voters."

THE ECONOMIST (News Magazine, United Kingdom - 5/29/99): "Politics1 is a website cornucopia of political news and resources."

RICKEY COLE (Democratic State Chairman & 2000 US Senate Candidate, Mississippi): "I am a big fan of the Politics1 Report newsletter and I appreciate what you are doing. ... I have encouraged everyone I know to subscribe. Keep up the good work."

www.TurnLeft.com (Liberal Political Web Site): "Politics1 is a super-detailed guide to everything political on the web, with special emphasis on smaller parties and candidates."

DENNIS WHITWORTH (Webmaster, Pacific Green Party of Oregon): "A very informative site. I liked the layout and it was easy to navigate, very straight-forward, and the campaign buttons were fun."

AMERICAN POLITICAL ITEMS COLLECTORS: "A truly tremendous resource. You should most definitely check out Politics1."

BRENDA SPURLOCK (Operation Rescue National): "I am impressed with the gargantuan task you undertook to create this wonderful web site. Great job!"

MIKE GRIFFIN (Political Editor, Orlando Sentinel newspaper, Florida): "Just a note to let you know that I'm really enjoying the Politics1 Report newsletter and the website. It's good stuff!"

DEMOCRATIC FREEDOM CAUCUS: "Politics1 is a major net resource with links to candidates and potential candidates ... leading national, state and local news sources ... and organizations on almost every side of various political issues."

BILL BARENHOLTZ (2000 GOP Candidate for Congress - Arizona): "I just have to say I love your Politics1 Report newsletter. I subscribe to a large number of lists, and yours truthfully is the only one I look forward to reading -- and I read the entire thing! Keep up the good work."

ELEAZAR ELIZONDO (Political Director, Barbara Boxer for US Senate Campaign, D-California, 1998): "I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoy your newsletter. It is succint and full of information. Thank you very much. I feel a debt of gratitude to you."

J.V. LaBEAUME (Deputy Communications Director, The Concord Coalition): "Just a note to inform you how much I enjoy your Politics1 Report newsletter -- very concise, breezy, informative. The best in its class ... in my regard. Also, I appreciate your wide coverage of third party and alternative candidates. You should be commended for your coverage in that area: very fair and thorough. Keep up the good work!"

BATESVILLE DAILY GUARD (newspaper, Arkansas - May 14, 1998): "Primary time. As a journalist, I've grown to dread election years. It means extra work, that's why. That always includes contacting candidates from governor's races all the way down to constables. You may have noticed the extensive election coverage in the Daily Guard lately. I always sweat it until I've contacted the last candidate on my list and gotten the story typed up, and then breathe a big sigh of relief until it's time to provide election results and do it all again for the general election. There's a bit of a respite in all this election coverage for an Internet junkie like myself. ... A good place to start finding Arkansas candidates is at Politics1. Politics1, a directory of Arkansas state and congressional candidates, includes a list of candidates as well as news sources and other information."

STEPHEN CRESWELL (Publisher of the "Buttons & Ballots" site): "Great job! You've got some great information and political items -- a nice mix of things. I can envision your candidate database becoming the standard on-line reference."


ANDREW BARBANO (Political Columnist, Sparks Tribune newspaper, Nevada): "You've done an excellent job on the Nevada governor's race. Keep up the good work."

BRAD COKER (President, Mason-Dixon Political/Media Research): Politics1 is "a very good web site."

JANE SCHILLIE (College Librarian, College of Arts and Sciences, Virginia Tech University): "Politics1 is a great site. The information you have in it about the 1998 campaigns will be really useful to the students I'm teaching."

CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS LIBERTY COALITION: "Ron Gunzburger's Politics1 site has an astonishingly thorough and up to date list of all parties' candidates for a wide range of offices. ... A cumulation of data useful for pro-Liberty groups."

ESR - www.enterstageright.com: "ESR's Conservative Site of the Day for February 26-28, 1999 is Politics1: a completely non-partisan web site that features some of the best coverage of campaigns from the two major American parties and countless other alternative parties ... from the left, right and everywhere else on the political perspective. A great information gathering resource for conservatives."

MAINE TAXPAYERS PARTY: "Politics1 is an excellent site for political junkies of all persuasions."

JON KELLER (WLVI TV-56 - WB - Boston, Massachusetts): "Political info websites: A favorite starting place for me? A clearinghouse of political web sites awaits at Politics1!"

CITIZENS FOR A SOUND ECONOMY: "Politics1 identifies and provides links to every candidate for Governor, US Senate and Congress from all 50 states. Also provides interesting political history articles and links to news and opinion sites."

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT: US News featured Politics1 as a recommended net site in at least six separate weekly editions between December 7, 1998 and May 31, 1999. US News also selected Politics1 as one of only four "General Political Sites" included in its November 1998 Election Special.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA: "The Politics1 Report is the New York Times of political Internet websites. ... Ron Gunzburger's award-winning newsletter has been covering Iowa presidential politics extensively."

StudyWeb.com: "In an effort to encourage a more informed electorate, Politics1 provides information about political parties, candidates, elections, issues, debates and news releases. There is no wonder that this site has won so many awards, since it provides such great information!"

CENTER FOR THE DEFENSE OF FREE ENTERPRISE: "Interested in politics in general? For a free-for-all website that links to those of ANY political persuasion, go to Politics1. It's a hoot!"

EARL F. DODGE (National Chairman & 2000 Presidential Nominee, Prohibition Party): "I reviewed the material you have online on the Prohibition Party and my candidacy. It was very fair and objective and I want you to know how much I appreciate the quality of the Politics1 site."

HON. TRE HARGETT (State Representative, R-Tennessee): "I enjoy your webpage and wish you the best of luck."

ROSS PEROT (Businessman, Reform Party Founder & Former Presidential Nominee): During an online chat session held on the Reform Party's official site in April 1998, Perot answered a question from a Reform Party member about Politics1 and verified information first reported on Politics1 about potential Reform Party candidates for President in 2000.

SARA COTHAM (Executive Director, Libertarian Party of Indiana): "Thank you for your multi-partisan coverage!"

NASHUA TELEGRAPH (newspaper, New Hampshire - 9/5/98): "Politics1 tracks elections in all 50 states and provides links to candidate and party sites."

JOSEPH OLIVERIO (Businessman & 2000 GOP Candidate for West Virginia Governor): "I must say that your Politcis1 web site is the most truly informative political site I have ever run across. I was getting these e-mails from all around the country and couldn't figure how all these people were finding out about our West Virginia ideas -- and then I asked a fellow from Illinois and he informed me of your site. After reviewing your site I now see why it is the rage. This had to take a great amount of work -- and it shows!"

C.L. GAMMON (Webmaster, Prohibition Party): "You are performing a valuable service to your country."

BRUCE SMITH (1998 Libertarian Nominee for Congress - Michigan): "Just a short note to thank you for one of the best political email newsletters out there. As a Libertarian, I think you are more than fair in your reporting. Keep those newsletters coming as I read each and every one of them. I tell everyone I know to check out Politics1 -- if you can't find it there, you won't find it anywhere."

MIAMI HERALD (newspaper, Florida - 10/31/98): "'Tis the season. No, not Halloween. The political season. And that means increased traffic for www.politics1.com, the website created by lawyer Ron Gunzburger. Gunzburger decided to build the site last February to sate his own thirst for political scoops. About 12,000 visitors a week are pulling up the site, which includes a rundown on races around the country, links to other sites and colorful historical anectdotes. ... It allows him to continue his role in law while building a reputation as a legitimate journalist."

HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN (1996 Presidential Candidate & Former Congressman, R-California): Politics1 was featured on Bob Dornan's "Favorite Web Sites" list during his 1998 Congressional campaign.

ROBERT DAWA (Sacramento County (CA) Democratic Party Chairman, 2002): "I am a frequent visitor to the Politics1 web site. The format of your site is terrific, since it allows the viewer to examine all constitutional and congressional contests in each state. I am eager to see how your site follows the Presidential election of 2004. Please keep up the good work -- across the country and in California"

POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, COLLEGE OF THE PACIFIC (California): "Interested in elections, candidates, campaigns, or political parties? If so, this award winning site is the place for you."

TIM EDWARDSON (Webmaster & Committeeman, Douglas County Republican Central Committee, Nevada): "I wanted to say thank you for posting our web site in The Politics1 Report a couple of issues back. We received several hundred extra visitors over the next week and received some excellent feedback. In addition to the excellent coverage of political news your newsletter provides, I think this portion of your newsletter provides an invaluable service to your subscribers. I always visit the sites that are listed. This feature sets your newsletter out above and beyond the other political newsletters to which I subscribe."

ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ SANTOS (Publisher, La Voz de Uvalde County newspaper, Texas): "I saw Politics1 for the first time this weekend and I think it is great!"

NetPULSE - The e-journal of politicking on the Internet (May 12, 1999): "HOTSPOT: Politics1 offers a comprehensive list of Presidential candidates -- everyone from Alabama intellectuals to wrestlers. So far, there are about 150 people who are running for President or whose supporters are trying to draft them to run for President. The best list we've found is at Politics1. Take a look. It makes for fascinating reading."

AMERICAN HERITAGE PARTY OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON: "Politics1 is an outstanding resource for the political scene."

MARK ALLEN (Chair, Socialist Party of Florida): "Thank you very much for listing the Socialist Party of Florida on your site. Many people have told us they have found us through your link. A job well done!"

PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS' TAX NEWS NETWORK: Politics1 was designated The PricewaterhouseCooper Tax News Network's "Hot Tax Site" of the day for October 28, 1998.

POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPT., PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY (Washington): "Politics1 is an excellent source for following elections, parties and candidate platforms."

MILLENNIUM321.COM: Site of the Week Award - November 1999. "The Politics1 Report newsletter is easily one of the most even-handed and truly non-partisan publications of its kind."

ROSEMARIE MARKGRAF (1998 GOP Nominee for Congress - New York): "You have done an amazing job! Politics1 is an example of citizenship at its best."

FT. WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM (newspaper, Texas - 3/16/99): "Politics1 offers a fine web starting point to examine the would-be Presidential players."Politics International Premier Award

MICHAEL McCAFFERTY (Chairman, John Diefenbaker Center for Freedom & Democracy/Politics International, Canada): "Congratulations on what I consider to be the BEST current American political website I have seen on the net. Politics1 is excellent, outstanding, remarkable -- and THANK YOU for what you have done!"

JEFFREY BLUNT (2000 Libertarian Nominee for Congress - Texas): "I enjoy your Politics1 site and find it very informative. You have much more information than many of the other political web sites. Thank you for providing this valuable service and letting the voters get the information they need to make an informed decision."

AARON HORNER (Political Director, Gov. Paul Patton Re-Election Campaign, D-Kentucky, 1999): "I visited your Politics1 site and was impressed with the information on Kentucky politics. ... Thank you for your wonderful web page."

JOHN NIENSTEDT (President, Competitive Edge Research & Communication, R-California): "I just wanted to say that your newsletter is awesome -- well-written and informative. A winning combination."

EL DORADO COUNTY LIBRARY (California): Politics1 was featured on the "What's Hot on the Internet This Week" list for the week of May 11, 1998.

ALABAMA LIBERTARIAN PARTY: "Good coverage of all parties."

HON. MARK STUBBS (State Representative, R-Idaho): Rep. Stubbs listed Politics1 on his "Favorite Links" list.

EMI IRELAND (President, Campaign Advantage): "Keep up the good work. We're among your biggest fans. New political portal sites are popping up everywhere like crabgrass, but you're the real thing. I use your site every day."

Librarians' Site du Jour Award YPA Bookmark It Award Award Top Ten Political Resources Award Pennsylvania Destination of the Day Award

Argus Clearinghouse seal of approval 4Anything.com Editor's Choice Award
Netscape - Editor's Choice Award

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do not imply any kind of endorsement of Politics1 by said organizations.



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© 1997 et seq - by Ron Gunzburger. All rights reserved. Contents can be quoted with attribution.